Newlyweds and Estate Planning

Marriage Is In The Air
That’s right, wedding season is in full effect in San Francisco, and what better place to tie the knot than one of the city’s finest landmarks? City Hall has been a popular choice to get married to for decades. Unfortunately, the pandemic prevented City Hall from hosting priceless wedding ceremonies. But don’t worry, there is good news.
The San Francisco’s Office of the County Clerk has announced that it will welcome people back into City Hall and in other offices beginning June 7, 2021. What does this mean? Those who did not get to have a wedding during the pandemic will soon be able to have a memorable wedding experience at City Hall like they wanted.
Planning For Your Future
Between the wedding planning and the honeymoon, it may be easy to forget what comes next. What’s next you may wonder? Planning for your future is next, and this is by creating an Estate Plan. Now that you will own joint assets, it is important to create a plan early on so you don’t leave any important assets out of your planning. Consider the following steps:
First, have a talk with your spouse about having an Estate Plan. Then, compile a list of everything important you own separately and jointly. Now consider whom you want to manage and receive your stuff, one day in the far future.
Second, look for a skilled Estate Planning attorney to consult on what you have in mind for the future. They will be there to give a helping hand.
Third, create a comprehensive Estate Plan together with your attorney to cut estate costs and stress for the future!
Creating an Estate Plan can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but by working with our firm, we will ensure to you how simple of a process it can actually be. To learn more about the essential documents needed for newlyweds, schedule a consultation with our firm today!