Streamlined Small Estate Probate Process

Probate Process
Did you know that the probate process varies depending on the type of estate? Small estates have a separate probate process that is often overlooked, but many estates actually qualify for it.
 In California, certain criteria determine whether an estate qualifies for the small estate probate process. The first requirement is a monetary limit. As of January 1, 2020, an estate qualifies as a small estate if its gross value is under $166,250, with periodic updates under California Probate Code §890.

The second qualification is a 40-day limit. Once this period passes, the successor of the decedent can proceed with executing the probate of the small estate.

Benefits of the Small Estate Probate

The probate of a small estate offers several advantages. Unlike the standard probate process, it involves fewer forms, proceeds at a quicker pace, and most importantly, avoids court involvement.

To determine if your estate qualifies for the probate of a small estate, schedule a consultation with our firm. Our experienced team will guide you through the process and provide personalized assistance.”